
Thank you all for your continued support on this exciting Community Project.

Dear Investors and Friends of The Wharf Marple,

We hope that you are all safe and well and managing to cope in these strange times.

At The Wharf we are continuing to work towards achieving our funding target and we are pleased to say that despite the difficulties that we are all facing the community is still stepping up to support this wonderful project.   A big thank you to all our Investors and supporters!

Despite having to postpone all our fundraising events due to Coronavirus, investment continues to roll in and we are now just £25,000 off having the enough to buy the building. Which is great news!   We are planning some virtual events such as Quiz Night and another Coffee and cake morning following Anne’s highly successful event raising £375. More details to follow when we’ve worked out the tech!


H2O are seeking to resolve planning approval by the end of 2020.  It was always going to be a long process but with the current situation is now likely to be much longer. We remain confident that there will be a positive outcome.

H2O have kindly provided us with a set of architects’ visuals for the whole Wharf site, including our Wharf Warehouse building. We should emphasise that these are not our drawings and they cover the whole application not just our building.

Take a look at the visuals https://thewharfmarple.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=746a14d2d9d6915562c0afd4a&id=6104be5f72&e=ac75760bf8

– we are sure you’ll agree how impressive our part of the project looks, particularly from the front aspect and the canalside. These visuals show what a great improvement this development would be to the area and they bring to life the ideas behind our ambition for the building.


Whilst kicking about the house one day, Chris decided to produce a ‘walk through’ video. So, for those of you who haven’t managed to get to see the building at our events here’s a second chance to see it and hear all about the project. You may, when you’ve seen it, be inspired to increase your investment - please feel free to do so, every bit helps us to reach the target. See link to view the Video (Just under 15 mins).


We will also promote this on social media complete with a ‘DONATE’ button, directly linking to our website investment page, to hopefully boost investment and donations.  Please spread the word and share within your networks.

Do get in touch with your fundraising ideas or your lock down stories - its good to hear from you.

Stay safe

The Wharf Marple Directors